A digital platform which helps you study God's Word with friends
Why use CBS Connect?
Convenient and easy, just type your answers anytime, any place.
Quickly find references with pop-up Bible verses.
Instant access and no printing: less cost and trouble!
CBS Connect is currently available in English and Russian. If you would like to use the App with studies in your language, please contact your national coordinator.
We are hoping to roll out different languages soon. Let your National Coordinator or Zone Coordinator know you are keen to use CBS Connect and if they can, they will help.
Can I really use it any place*?
You can use it anywhere you can connect to the internet using wifi or data, so pretty much any place you are likely to want to go.
Are pop up verses available in my language?**
At present they are available in English only, this is a system limitation.
Can I use this for a face-to-face meeting?
CBS Connect is great for face to face or online groups.
Does all the group need to use the app?
Participants in the same group can choose paper or screen. In fact participants can download and print the material from CBS Connect!
Will it work on all devices?
CBS Connect is based on the internet so pretty much any device should be fine. It works on all computers, phones and tablets and other devices which connect to the internet.
Can I message the group in CBS Connect?
Yes! There is a group messaging area and the leader can message people individually. (Messages can only be seen by the people who write them and the people they are written to.)
So, I don't need to print anything?
Thats right. So, no print costs and a saving for the environment!
Can I watch videos on CBS Connect?
Yes where there are videos which fit the course we have included those and you can watch them on the app.
Can other people read my answers?
Your answers can only be seen by you and God! Your leader can’t see them.
Does it integrate with Zoom for online groups?
CBS Connect integrates with Zoom for online groups.
How does the app help me track prayer requests?
Built in to each session there are spaces for you to write your and other’s prayer requests which are shared in the group. These are confidential to you. Fill in a space and later in the session or course you will be reminded to pray.
I don't have much space on my phone!
CBS Connect is very small (its a ‘smart app’) taking less than half a megabyte of space. If you prefer you can just use the browser on your device.